The Center for Academic and Experiential Advising is excited to welcome you to our newest class of Trinity College Bantams! Please read through the information on this site to prepare for the course selection process. You can find information about the Trinity College curriculum, majors and minors, graduation requirements, helpful tips, and more in the navigation menu above and in the “Pre-Major Advising” pages. New transfer students: you should consider the information in the navigation menu, but please rely more closely on the transfer student link in the navigation menu.

The course selection period will take place in early June, 2024. Instructions on completing the Course Selection Form are located in the navigation menu.

We encourage you to participate in one of this year’s interactive Zoom course selection information sessions. These live sessions will provide you with information about course selection and other academic advising matters; we will also answer your questions. If you can’t attend, we will record these sessions and make them available to you.

If you have questions outside of these sessions, feel free to email our team of trained faculty advisers at Please explore within the Center for Academic and Experiential Advising’s website for additional resources available to you!

June 6 at 7:00pm. View a recording of the session.
June 11 at 7:00pm. View a recording of the session.

Course Selection Timeline:


  • Complete the required online Math Placement Exam, Guided Writing Assessment, Second Language Questionnaire, and Academic Advising for First-Year Courses as part of your online New Student Portal tasks. If you will be continuing a second language that you previously studied, complete the Second Language Placement Exam for that language. All are due by May 24.
  • You MUST complete you the Math Placement Exam, Guided Writing Assessment, and Second Language Questionnaire in order to be enrolled in fall courses. Priority enrollment will be given to students who complete these tasks by the deadline.
  • Read through the information found on the links in this page’s menu, located near the top of this page.


  • Advising Period – View the updated fall course offerings in the course schedule and participate in one or more of the Center for Academic and Experiential Advising interactive course selection information sessions. Live advising session dates and times will be available shortly. Please register for these events via the links posted by each event (registration links will be available shortly).
  • Enter your preferred and alternate course selections online through the Course Selection Form, located in your New Student Portal. Don’t rush! Course Selection Forms are not considered by the order in which they are received. Changes may only be made once you meet with your academic adviser during New Student Orientation, so give considerable thought to your selections prior to submitting your form. Course Selection Forms submitted after the deadline will be considered last, and course availability will be limited.
  • The Registrar’s Office will create your course schedule and enroll you in courses. Please continue working through your remaining New Student Portal tasks during this time.


  • Continue completing tasks in your New Student Portal throughout the month of July.
  • Course schedules will be available for review in mid-July. Keep in mind that you will be able to make changes to your schedule once you meet with your academic adviser during New Student Orientation. New students will not be able to make changes until that time. Please do not call to request a change.


  • You will have an advising meeting with your academic adviser to review your schedule during New Student Orientation. Once you have met, the registration hold on your account will be released.
  • You will have the opportunity to make changes to your schedule throughout the add/drop period, which opens once you have met with your academic adviser.

If you have any questions about course selection, please read through the pages in the navigation menu at the top of this page and participate in our interactive course selection information sessions. Email with additional questions.